Divine Magick is a set of supernatural abilities given by a god to a mortal man in return for devout loyalty to that god's cause. Often Clerics (or other Divine spellcasters) are warriors for that god's cause, both fighting for their beliefs with axe and mace, and actively trying to convert others to their faith by good acts and miraculous powers.
For a Cleric to be blessed with spells, she must pray at least once per day to proove that she is still loyal to her god. While the Cleric prays she is asking the god for the desired abilities. Sometimes a god will deny the Cleric those abilities for reasons no mortal could understand, and the Cleric must go without.
To gain spells, a Cleric must pray. She then selects the spells she wishes to cast that day. A Spellcraft check is then made for each spell. If the result of the die is equal to or greater than the level of the spell, that spell is granted for the day. The maximum number of spell levels granted is equal to the Cleric's stamina score. Carrying godly powers wears on the body and mind, sometimes leaving a Cleric's body a burned out husk of its former power.